Crystal City Publishing is currently working with non-profits and other organizations on historical projects in digital format (online resources) and printed history book formats (hardcover, softcover, and eBook).
The projects highlight the histories of people of color, women, or marginalized population segments. The overall purpose of these projects is to become a resource for Historical knowledge.

Historical Publishing
Printed History Projects - We will help develop research to formulate and produce books published in printed and eBook formats.
Digital History Projects - Our digital historical projects are an approach that allows us to examine and represent the past with new communication technologies, such as computers, video presentations, online classes, and the Web.
Public access to this organized historical information allows its knowledge to be spread easily. Some of the information in these Digital Historical Projects will include databases with:
Essays, Exhibit, Digital Narrative
Visual tours
Online Classes:
Teaching Resource:
​Current Historical Project
Black Legends History Book
This book is a Joyner Payne/ Black Legends Awards project focusing on the historical contributions of African American History in Silicon Valley. It looks at the development and progress from all angles. It explores key events, important dates, and pivotal individuals. It shows how African Americans and people of African Ancestry were instrumental in many breakthroughs that have shaped the Silicon Valley story.